Historical Agricultural
Photo Exhibit
A collection of rare historical photos depicting Hopi farm life, these 30 images were acquired from various museums, universities and special collectors.
The exhibit gives a glimpse into Hopi history highlighting the agricultural lifestyle deeply rooted in Hopi life.
Natwani Coalition is proud to have these photos accessible to the community as a tool to revitalize Hopi traditional farming.

Looking to Host a Photo Exhibit


Date: 1935

Date: 1923

Date: 1901

Date: 1935

Date: 1895

Date: 1935

Date: 1937-1939

Date: 1915

Arizona State University
Field Museum of Natural History
Hopi Cultural Preservation Office
Maxwell Museum
Mennonite Library & Archives
Milwaukee Public Museum
Museum of New Mexico
National Anthropology Archives
National Museum of the American Indian
Northern Arizona University
Harvard University
Southwest Museum
The 30 photos of the collection are courtesy of the following: